The EPSM Lille-Métropole* has welcomed the artist-photographer Marc Helleboid in an art residence, from January 2013 to June 2014. During this period the artist was involved in the different units of the general psychiatric sector 59G20 care device.
The exhibition which is the result of these meetings, presents a serie of black & white large format portraits with brief stories that deal extensively the issue of mental health.
This exhibition invites us to question many of the stereotypes that too often distort our understanding.
Those who agreed to be photographed deserve our admiration for the public dimension of their testimony as well as their desire to offer a different perspective of the disease.
This is a sensible meeting that Marc Helleboid offers us through the exhibition From Confidence to Public Speaking.
Meanwhile, the CATTP users offer an impressive work that echoes in the photographic work. Here the silhouettes and the keywords confront us with the inner world from those who has to cope with the disease and the view of others.
*Lille Metropole public facility for mental health care
The International Mental Health Congress (IMHC)
28 th-30 th April 2015,
Lille, France at the Lille Grand Palais Conference Center.
The IMHC will focus on "Mental Health for All :
Connecting People and Sharing Experience".
The agenda will include the status of cutting edge research
in the field of holistic care for patients with mental health conditions.
In this exhibition, a person says : "Psychiatry is surrounded with
a lot of clichés : abnormality, images of confinement, chemical
straitjacket. I’d rather talk about mental suffering. The disease
is not visible but you still suffer from the way the others look
at you. Here in CATTP**, the look of the others, it helps me.’
** Part Time Therapeutic Center